Yumiko NAKA
Associate Professor
Date of birth: Sep. 1, 1983
E-mail: naka<*>rs.tus.ac.jp (replace <*> with @)
Phone: +81-3-3260-4272 (ex. 5766)

Fax: +81-3-5261-4631

Born in 1983, Yumiko Naka is a graduate of the Tokyo University of Science. In 2011, she received her doctorate from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. She then joined Tokyo University of Science as a Research Associate in Professor Takeo Sasaki's laboratory. She then promoted to an Associate Professor in 2015. She received the CSJ Student Presentation Award (2009) from the Chemical Society of Japan, Rainbow Award (2010) from Japanese Liquid Crystal Society and Encouragement Award (2012) from Japanese Liquid Crystal Society.
Her current research interests include the photorefractive effects of organic materials and the synthesis of novel functional polymers.

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Representative Publications