
Date of birth: Dec. 16, 1965
E-mail: sasaki<*>rs.kagu.tus.ac.jp (replace <*> with @)
Phone: +81-3-5228-8277

Fax: +81-3-3235-2214

Takeo Sasaki is a professor at the Department of Chemistry, Tokyo University of Science since 2000. He received his doctorate from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1994. He conducts research on photorefractive liquid crystals and photopolymers. He received the SPSJ Wiley Award (2004) from the Society of Polymer Science, Japan and Senior Membership of SPIE (2016).
Takeo Sasaki is currently a director of the Research Committee on Organic Materials for Information Technology of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS).
His current research interests include the photorefractive effects of organic materials and the synthesis of novel liquid crystalline materials.

Membership of Academic Societies


Representative Publications