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Geometric flows and related problems

Date and time :
November 23 (Thrs, Holiday) 10:00 – November 25 (Sat) 17:00, 2017
Place :
H213, Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology
東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス 本館213号室

Program :

November 23 (Thrs)

10:00-11:00 Nicholas Edelen (MIT) : Convexity estimates for free-boundary mean

curvature flow

11:00-11:30 Break

11:30-12:30 Haozhao Li (University of Science and Technology of China) :

The extension problem of mean curvature flow

12:30-14:00 Break

14:00-14:30 Discussion Time

14:30-15:30 Keita Kunikawa (Tohoku University) : Convergence of generalized

 Lagrangian mean curvature flow in Fano manifolds

15:30-16:00 Break

16:00-17:00 Lami Kim (Tokyo Institute of Technology) : On the mean curvature flow of

grain boundaries

November 24 (Fri)

10:00-11:00 Felix Schulze (University College London) : Existence of Brakke flow

solutions from surface clusters via elliptic regularisation

11:00-11:30 Break

11:30-12:30 Knut Smoczyk (University of Hannover) : Mean curvature flow of maps

between Riemannian manifolds, Part 1

12:30-14:00 Break

14:00-14:30 Discussion Time

14:30-15:30 Nicholas Edelen (MIT) : The free-boundary Brakke flow

15:30-16:00 Break

16:00-17:00 Haozhao Li (University of Science and Technology of China) : Regularity

scales and convergence of the Calabi flow

18:00 –  Dinner Party

November 25 (Sat)

10:00-11:00 Felix Schulze (University College London) : Optimal isoperimetric

inequalities for surfaces in any codimension in Cartan-Hadamard manifolds

11:00-11:30 Break

11:30-12:30 : Knut Smoczyk (University of Hannover) : Mean curvature flow of maps

between Riemannian manifolds, Part 2

12:30-14:00 Break

14:00-14:30 Discussion Time

14:30-15:30 Hikaru Yamamoto (Tokyo University of Science) : Ricci-mean curvature

flows and its Gauss maps

15:30-16:00 Break

16:00-17:00 Keisuke Takasao (Kyoto University) : Phase field method and

monotonicity formula for the volume preserving mean curvature flow

Program(PDF)  Abstract(PDF)

Organizers : 
Yoshihiro Tonegawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Naoyuki Koike (Tokyo University of Science)

Supported by
JSPS Grant in Aid for Scientic Research A # 25247008
JSPS Grant in Aid for Scientic Research S # 26220702