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  氏名: 小池直之(こいけなおゆき)

 研究分野: 微分幾何学・位相幾何学

1. Examples of certain kind of minimal orbits of Hermann actions,
Hokkaido Math. J. (2013) (to appear)

2. Collapse of the mean curvature flow for equifocal submanifolds,
Asian J. Math. vol. 15 (2011) 101-128.

3. Hermann type actions on a pseudo-Riemannian symmetric space, Tsukuba J. Math. vol. 34 (2010) 137-172.

4, On curvature-adapted and proper complex equifocal submanifolds,
Kyungpook Math. J. vol. 50 (2010) 509-536.

5. Examples of a complex hyperpolar action without singular orbit,
Cubo A Math. J. vol. 12 (2010) 131-147.

6. The homogeneous slice theorem for the complete complexification of a proper complex equifocal submanifold,
Tokyo J. of Math. vol. 33 (2010) 1-30.

7. On non-existenceness of equifocal submanifolds with non-flat section, Asian J. of Math. vol. 12 (2008) 421-442.

8. A Chevalley type restriction theorem for a proper complex equifocal submanifold, Kodai Math. J. vol. 30 (2007) 280-296.

9. Complex hyperpolar actions with a totally geodesic orbit,
Osaka J. Math. vol. 44 (2007) 491-503.

10. A splitting theorem for proper compex equifocal submanifolds,
Tohoku Math. J. vol. 58 (2006) 393-417.

11. The variational formulas for the volume function in the equiaffine geometry, Hokkaido Math. J. vol. 35 (2006) 719-751.

12. Complex equifocal submanifolds and infinite dimensional anti-Kaehlerian isoparametric submanifolds, Tokyo J. Math.
vol. 28 (2005) 201-247.

13. Actions of Hermann type and proper complex equifocal submani- folds, Osaka J. Math. vol. 42 (2005) 599-611.

14. The Gauss-Bonnet and Chern-Lashof theorems in a simply connected symmetric space of compact type, Tokyo J. Math.
vol. 28 (2005) 483-497.

15. Blaschke Dupin hypersurfaces and equiaffine tubes, Results Math. vol. 48 (2005) 97-108.

16. Submanifold geometries in a symmetric space of non-compact type and a pseudo-Hilbert space, Kyushu J. Math, vol. 58 (2004)

17. On proper Fredholm submanifolds in a Hilbert space arising from submanifolds in a symmetric space, Japan J. Math. vol. 28 (2002) 61-80.


  arXiv:1209.1933v1  (公開日:2012年9月11日)
  arXiv:1001.3514v3  (更新日:2012年3月1日)
  arXiv:0807.1606v3  (更新日:2010年12月28日)
  arXiv:0902.1375v3  (更新日:2010年12月13日)
  arXiv:1010.1652v1  (公開日:2010年10月11日)
  arXiv:0908.3086v5  (更新日:2010年4月23日)
  arXiv:1001.3508v3  (更新日:2010年4月23日)
  arXiv:0807.1601v3  (更新日:2010年4月23日)
  arXiv:0807.1607v3  (更新日:2010年3月15日)
  arXiv:0807.1579v3  (更新日:2010年2月14日)

 所属学会:  日本数学会