Algorithms for Polynomial System Solving and Their Applications

at ACA'2021 to be held July 23-27, 2021, Virtual Online


Ryoya Fukasaku, Kyushu University, Japan. (

Yosuke Sato, Tokyo University of Science, Japan. (

Tateaki Sasaki, University of Tsukuba, Japan. (




Polynomial system solving is one of the most important themes in computer algebra. It has a wide range of applications for many areas such as engineering, natural science, pure mathematics, etc.

There are many subjects of computer algebra concerning polynomial system solving such as Groebner Basis, Border Basis, Triangular Decomposition, Resultant, Quantifier Elimination, etc. Some of them are inseparably connected and many important researches are still on going.

The aim of this session is providing a forum to researchers working on polynomial system solving and interested in the interconnection of the algorithms of diverse subjects of polynomial system solving.

Topics of this session include, but are not limited to:

  • Gröbner Basis
  • Comprehensive Gröbner System
  • Border Basis
  • Parametric Border Basis
  • Triangular Decomposition
  • Parametric Triangular Decomposition
  • Resultant
  • Quantifier Elimination
Any applications in science and engineering of the above topics are also welcome.

Call for Contributions:

If you are interested in proposing a talk, please send an abstract by email to Yosuke Sato (1-3 pages, with references). Each presentation including Q&A is 30 minutes. Please use this LaTeX template for your abstract and send both the LaTeX source and a compiled PDF version.

June 30, 2021: deadline for submission of talks.

More information about the conference can be found at the ACA 2021 conference web page .

Last update: 2021, May. 28, by Yosuke Sato