Geometric Analysis in Geometry and Topology 2013

Date : October 15th-17th, 2013
Place : The University of Tokyo
Invited speakers (Survey lectures)
・Clara Lucia Aldana (Universite de Nantes, France)
・Ben Andrews (Australian National University, Australia)
・Emmanuel Hebey (Universite de Cergy-Pontoise)
・Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford University, USA) 

October 15th (Tue.)

  Speaker : Ben Andrews (Australian National Univesity)
  Title : Isoperimetric profile comparison in Ricci flow and curve shortening flow
  Speaker : Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford University)
  Title : Kaehler-Einstein edge metrics I
  Speaker : Emmanuel Hebey (Universite de Cergy-Pontoise)
  Title : Elliptic stability for stationary Schrodinger equations I
  Speaker : Clara Lucia Aldana (Universite de Nantes)
  Title : Determinants of Laplacians and compactness of isospectral closed surfaces

October 16th (Wed.)

  Speaker : Ben Andrews (Australian National Univesity)
  Title : Bounds on modulus of continuity and the fundamental gap
  Speaker : Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford University)
  Title : Kaehler-Einstein edge metrics II
  Speaker : Emmanuel Hebey (Universite de Cergy-Pontoise)
  Title : Elliptic stability for stationary Schrodinger equations II
  Speaker : Clara Lucia Aldana (Universite de Nantes)
  Title : Determinants of Laplacians on surfaces with singularities

October 17th (Thu.)

  Speaker : Ben Andrews (Australian National Univesity)
  Title : Non-collapsing and the Lawson and Pinkall-Sterling conjectures
  Speaker : Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford University)
  Title : Kaehler-Einstein edge metrics III
  Speaker : Emmanuel Hebey (Universite de Cergy-Pontoise)
  Title : Elliptic stability for stationary Schrodinger equations III
  Speaker : Clara Lucia Aldana (Universite de Nantes)
  Title : Isospectrality for open manifolds and compactness

・Kazuo Akutagawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
・Mikio Furuta (University of Tokyo)
・Osamu Kobayashi (Osaka University)
・Shu Nakamura (University of Tokyo)
・Shinichiroh Matsuo (Osaka University)

・Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford University, Foreign adviser)