 Physics of Nanomaterials and Crystal Growth

Researches in Homma Laboratory


 We aim at elucidation of growth mechanisms and properties of nanocarbons, such as one-dimensional carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and two-dimensional graphene, through the development of state-of-art measurement technologies. We also study the interaction between CNTs and other molecules.
 One of our major research topics is in situ characterization of nanocarbon growth by using scanning electron microscopy in the growth ambient of nanocarbons. We are studying controls of structures and properties of CNT and graphene on solid substrates. We have established forming a singly-suspended CNT between a pair of micropillars and performing single-CNT spectroscopy. Using the suspended SWNT we are studying the behaviors of water molecules confined on the surface and inside of CNT.


  1. CNT成長制御 (Growth control of CNT)
  2. 架橋CNT (Suspended CNT)
  3. 単一CNT分光 (Single CNT spectroscopy)
  4. CNT & グラフェン顕微法 (CNT & graphene microscopy)
  5. CNT & 水分子 (CNT & water molecules)
  6. CNT & DNA

1. CNT成長制御 (Growth control of CNT)


 Single-walled CNT growth is the basic technology supporting our researches. We have performed advanced researches on growth control including development of novel catalysts.


2. 架橋CNT (Suspended CNT)


 We have established forming a singly suspended CNT between micropillars through the research of the formation mechanism. Although CNTs have different properties depending on the chirality, a singly suspended CNT is a single crystal and useful for the basic study of CNT properties.


3. 単一CNT分光 (Single CNT spectroscopy)

 単一架橋CNTを用いることにより,カイラリティを特定したCNTの光学応答を調べることができます.CNTはその一次元性によりvan Hove特異性とよばれる高い状態密度の電子状態を有しますので,状態間のエネルギーに共鳴するようにレーザ光の波長を合わせることにより,高感度な共鳴分光が可能です.微細な柱の間に固定した架橋CNTにレーザ光を集光することにより,単一CNTの蛍光分光およびラマン分光を実現しています.CNTは単原子層から成る物質ですので,その光応答は周囲環境の影響を強く受けます.これを利用して,CNTに吸着した分子の振る舞いを調べることも可能です.

 Optical responses of chirality-defined CNTs can be probed using singly suspended CNTs. Because CNTs have singular density of electronic states, highly sensitive spectroscopy is possible by tuning the laser wavelength to the electronic states. We can perform single CNT spectroscopy for photoluminescence and Raman scattering by focusing the laser to singly suspended CNTs. Optical responses of CNTs, mono-layered materials, are strongly influenced by the surrounding environment. We can thus investigate the behaviors of molecules adsorbed on CNT.


4. CNT & グラフェン顕微法 (CNT & graphene microscopy)

 CNTは直径が1 nm程度のナノ構造体なので,その観察には顕微鏡が必要です.私たちは,走査電子顕微鏡,走査プローブ顕微鏡を中心に,CNTの観察法を研究してきました.特に,CNTの成長過程を走査電子顕微鏡で「その場観察」する技術は私たち独自のものです.最近は,グラフェンの形成過程のその場観察も行っています.

 Microscopy is a crucial technique for observing CNTs, ~1-nm-diameter nanomaterials. We have studied CNT microscopy such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and scanning probe microscopy (SPM). In particular, in situ SEM of CNT growth is unique to our laboratory. We are applying in situ SEM to graphene growth.


5. CNT & 水分子 (CNT & water molecules)


 We have studied the behavior of water molecules confined on the surface and inner space of CNTs using single CNT spectoscopy. We found that water molecules form two-layered hydration on the CNT surface. We also investigate the state of water molecules introduced in the inner space of CNT.


6. CNT & DNA


 DNT is known to be adsorbed on CNT and solubilize it. We found that DNA-CNT hybrids exhibit strong photoluminescence even on the substrate surface under the dry condition. We are studying spectroscopy of singly dispersed DNA-CNT hybrids.
