2007 B. Sc., Calcutta University, India
2010 B. Tec., Calcutta University, India
2011 M. Sc., University of Eastern Finland, Finland
2018 Ph.D., Jilin University, China
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Lanzhou University, China
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Assistant Professor, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Junior Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Junior Associate Professor, Tohoku University, Japan
・Design, Synthesis and Characterization of new materials e.g. MOFs, COFs, polymers of intrinsic microporosity (PIMs), porous aromatic frameworks (PAFs), porous carbons, and porous salts.
・Fabrication of COF (2D and 3D), MOF and PIM thin films/nanosheets/membranes as well as composite and mixed matrix membranes.
・In-depth knowledge in Crystal Engineering, Intermolecular Interactions, Hydrogen Bonding, Host-Guest Chemistry, Polymorphism and Pseudo-polymorphism of different organic molecules
学術論文 (Google Scholar)
39)"Tunable Structural Rearrangement in Cu Cluster Assemblies through
Linker and Solvent Alterations"
S. Das, J. Sakai, R. Nakatani, A. Kondo, R. Tomioka, T. Kawawaki, S. Biswas,
Y. Negishi
Chem. Sci. in press. (ChemRvix)
38)"The Importance and Discovery of Highly Connected Cova-lent Organic
Framework Net Topologies"
T. Irie, S. Das, Q. Fang, Y. Negishi
J. Am. Chem. Soc. in press.
Invited Perspective (Invited by Prof. Erick M. Carreira, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Chemical Society)
37)"Designed Construction of Two New Atom-precise Three-dimensional
and Two-dimensional Ag12 Cluster-assembled Materials"
R. Nakatani, J. Sakai, A. Saha, A. Kondo, R. Tomioka, T. Kawawaki, S. Das, Y. Negishi
Nanoscale in press.
Invited Article to "Themad collection: Metal nanoclusters"
Selected as "Outside Back Cover"
36)"Highly Selective Methanol Synthesis Using Electrochemical CO2
Reduction with Defect-Engineered Cu58 Nanoclusters"
S. Biswas, T. Tanaka, H. Song, M. Ogami, Y. Shingyouchi, S. Hossain, M.
Kamiyama, T. Kosaka, R. Nakatani, Y. Niihori, S. Das, T. Kawawaki, D.-e.
Jiang, Y. Negishi
Small Sci. in press. (ChemRvix)
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkei Shinbun" and "Nikkan Kogyou Shinbun"
35)"Silver Cluster-assembled Material as Matrix for Enzyme Immobilization
Towards Highly Efficient Biocatalyst"
J. Sakai, K. Sasaki, R. Nakatani, S. Das, Y. Negishi
Nanoscale. 16, 21767-21775 (2024).
Invited Article to "themed collection: Nanocatalysis"
Selected as "Outside Front Cover"
34)"Metal-Organic Frameworks as Promising Electrocatalysts for Nitrogen
Reduction Reaction: Mapping the Research Landscape and Identifying Future
R. Nakatani, S. Das, Y. Negishi
J. Mater. Chem. A 12, 26350-26366 (2024).
Highlighted in "Themed collection: Journal of Materials Chemistry A Recent Review Articles"
Selected as "Back Cover"
33)"Luminescent Hydride-Free [Cu7(SC5H9)7(PPh3)3] Nanocluster: Facilitating
Highly Selective C-C Bond Formation"
S. Biswas, A. Pal, M. K. Jena, S. Hossain, J. Sakai, S. Das, B. Sahoo,
B. Pathak, Y. Negishi
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 20937-20944 (2024)
Highlighted in "ChemistryViews".
32)"Highly Selective Separation of Benzene/Cyclohexane by Three-Dimensional
Covalent Organic Framework with 8,8-Connected bcu Net Topology"
Y. Zhao, T. Irie, D. Wen, H. Mabuchi, K. Sasaki, M. Nozaki, R. Tomioka,
W. Zhu, S. Das, T. Ben, Y. Negishi
ACS Mater. Lett. 6, 3063-3070 (2024). (ChemRxiv.)
31)"Structure and Application Portfolio of Intricately Architected
Silver Cluster-Assembled Materials"
R. Nakatani, S. Das, Y. Negishi
Nanoscale 16, 9642-9658 (2024).
Invited "Review" (Invited by Edward Gardner, Development Editor)
Selected as "Outside Back Cover"
Highlighted in "Themed collection: Recent Review Articles"
30)"Three-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework with “the” Topology"
S. Das, H. Mabuchi, T. Irie, K. Sasaki, M. Nozaki, R. Tomioka, D. Wen,
Y. Zhao, T. Ben, Y. Negishi
Small 20, 2307666 (2024). (ChemRxiv.)
Selected as "Back Cover"
29)"Covalent Organic Frameworks: Cutting-Edge Materials for Carbon
Dioxide Capture and Water Harvesting from Air"
H. Mabuchi, T. Irie, J. Sakai, S. Das, Y. Negishi
Chem. Euro. J. 30, e202303474 (2024).
Invited Review to special collection "Covalent Organic Frameworks:
Green Synthesis and Cutting-Edge Applications"
Selected as "Inside Front Cover"
Selected as "Hot Topic: Carbon Dioxide"
28)"Unlocking the Potential of Atom-Precise Ag12 Cluster Assembled
Material as Highly Efficient SERS Sensor for Detection of Hg2+ Ion"
R. Nakatani, S. Biswas, T. Irie, Y. Niihori, S. Das, Y. Negishi
ACS Mater. Lett. 6, 438-445 (2024).
Selected as "Supplementary Cover"
27)"Advances in Cu Nanocluster Catalyst Design: Recent Progress and
Promising Applications"
S. Biswas, S. Das, Y. Negishi
Nanoscale Horiz. 8, 1509-1522 (2023).
Selected as "Inside Front Cover"
Selected as "Nanoscale Horizons Most Popular 2023 Articles"
Selected as "Nanoscale Horizons HOT Papers"
Selected as "Themed collection Nanoscale Horizons Highly Cited Articles"
26)"Nanoporous 3D Covalent Organic Frameworks with pts Topology as
Anticancer Drug Nanocarriers"
Y. Zhao, T. Irie, J. Sakai, T. Sekine, H. Mabuchi, S. Biswas, S. Das,
T. Ben, Y. Negishi
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6, 19210-19217 (2023). (ChemRxiv)
Selected as "Supplementary Cover"
25)"A New Two-dimensional Luminescent Ag12 Cluster-assembled Material
and Its Catalytic Activity for Reduction of Hexacyanoferrate(iii)"
R. Nakatani, S. Biswas, T. Irie, J. Sakai, D. Hirayama, T. Kawawaki, Y.
Niihori, S. Das, Y. Negishi
Nanoscale 15, 16299-16306 (2023)..
Selected as "Outside Back Cover"
24)"Metal Nanoclusters as a Superior Polysulfides Immobilizer Towards
Highly Stable Lithium-Sulfur Batteries"
K. Sun, Y. Fu, T. Sekine, H. Mabuchi, S. Hossain, Z. Qiang, D. Liu, S.
Das, D. He, Y. Negishi
Small 20, 2304210 (2024).
Selected as "Outside Back Cover"
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkei Shinbun", "Nikkankogtyo Shinbun" and "Yahoo! News"
23)"Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Two Silver Cluster-Assembled
Materials for Selective Fe3+ Sensing"
J. Sakai, S. Biswas, T. Irie, H. Mabuchi, T. Sekine, Y. Niihori, S. Das, Y. Negishi
Nanoscale 15, 12227-12234 (2023).
Selected as "Outside Front Cover"
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkei Shinbun" and "Yomiuri Shinbun"
22)"Nested Keplerian Architecture of [Cu58H20(SPr)36(PPh3)8]2+ Nanocluster"
S. Biswas, S. Hossian, T. Kosaka, J. Sakai, D. Arima, Y. Niihori, M. Mitsui,
D.-e. Jiang, S. Das, S. Wang, Y. Negishi
Chem. Commun. 59, 9336-9339 (2023).
Selected as "Outside Front Cover"
21)"Five Novel Silver-Based Coordination Polymers as Photoluminescent
Sensing Platforms for the Detection of Nitrobenzene"
T. Sekine, J. Sakai, Y. Horita, H. Mabuchi, T. Irie, S. Hossain, T. Kawawaki,
S. Das, S. Takahashi, S. Das, Y. Negishi
Chem. Euro. J. 29, e202300706 (2023)..
Selected as "Inside Cover"
20)"Progress and Prospects in the Design of Functional Atomically-precise
Ag(I)-thiolate Nanoclusters and Their Assembly Approaches"
S. Biswas, S. Das, Y. Negishi
Coord. Chem. Rev. 492, 215255 (2023).
19)"Silver Cluster-Assembled Materials for Label-Free DNA Detection"
S. Das, T. Sekine, H. Mabuchi, S. Hossain, S. Das, S. Aoki, S. Takahashi,
Y. Negishi
Chem. Commun. 59, 4000-4003, (2023).
Invited Paper (Invited by Executive Editor, Dr. Richard Kelly)
Selected as "Outiside Front Cover"
18)"Record Ultralarge-Pores, Low Density Three-Dimensional Covalent
Organic Framework for Controlled Drug Delivery"
Y. Zhao, S. Das, T. Sekine, H. Mabuchi, T. Irie, J. Sakai, D. Wen, W.
Zhu, T. Ben, Y. Negishi
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 62, e202300172 (2023). (ChemRxiv)
Selected as "Hot Topic: Drug Delivery"
Selected as "Hot Topic: Mesoporous Materials"
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkei Tech Foresign"
17)"Three-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks with scu-c Topology
for Drug Delivery"
S. Das, T. Sekine, H. Mabuchi, T. Irie, J. Sakai, Y. Zhao, Q. Fang, Y.
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 14, 48045-48051 (2022).
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "JST Science Portal" and others (1/2/3/4/5)
16)"Precise Control over Pore Hydrophilicity in Covalent Organic Framework
Membranes for High-Flux Separation of Dyes from Water"
Z. Li, S. Das, T. Sekine, H. Mabuchi, R. Kaneko, J. Sakai,T. Irie, E.
Kamio, T. Yoshioka, J. Suo, Q. Fang, T. Kawawaki, H. Matsuyama, Y. Negishi
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 5, 17632-17639 (2022)
Selected as "Supplementary Cover"
15)"Crystalline Porous Organic Salt for Ultrarapid Adsorption/Desorption-Based
Atmospheric Water Harvesting by Dual Hydrogen Bond System"
S. Zhang, J. Fu, S. Das, K. Ye, W. Zhu, T. Ben
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 61, e2022086 (2022).
14)"Design and Synthesis of Core–shell Porous Carbon Derived from
Porous Polymer as Sulfur Immobilizers for High-performance Lithium–sulfur
Y. Dong, S. Das, L. Ye, C. Wang, T. Ben
J. Mater. Sci., 57, 5130–5141 (2022).
13)"Ion-Selective Covalent Organic Framework Membrane as a Catalytic
Polysulfide Trap to Arrest Redox Shuttle Effect in Lithium–Sulfur Batteries"
K. Sun, C. Wang, Y. Dong, P. Guo, P. Cheng, Y. Fu, D. Liu, D. He, S. Das,
Y Negishi
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 14, 4079-4090 (2022).
12)"Two-Dimensional COF-Three-Dimensional MOF Dual-Layer Membranes
with Unprecedentedly High H2/CO2Selectivity and Ultrahigh Gas Permeabilities"
S. Das, T. Ben, S. Qiu, V. Valtchev
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, 52899–52907 (2020).
11)"Shaping of porous polymers"
S. Das, T. Ben, S. Qiu
Polymer, 207, 122928 (2020).
10)"Covalent Organic Frameworks in Separation"
S. Das, J. Feng, W. Wang
Annu. Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng., 11, 131-153 (2020).
9)"Chiral Recognition and Separation by Chirality enriched-Metal–Organic Frameworks"
S. Das, S. Xu, T. Ben, S. Qiu
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 57, 8629-8633 (2018).
8)"A 3D Organically Synthesized Porous Carbon Material for Lithium‐Ion
Z. Zhao, S. Das, G. Xing, P. Fayon, P. Heasman, M. Jay, S. Bailey, C.
Lambert, H. Yamada, T. Wakihara, A. Trewin, T. Ben, S. Qiu, V. Valtchev
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 57, 11952-11956 (2018).
7)"Synthesis of Crystalline Porous Organic Salts with High Proton
G. Xing, T. Yan, S. Das, T. Ben, S. Qiu
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57, 5345-5349 (2018).
6)"A [COF-300]-[UiO-66] Composite Membrane with Remarkably High Permeability
and H2/CO2 Separation Selectivity"
S. Das, T. Ben
Dalton Trans., 47, 7206-7212 (2018).
5)"Charged Porous Organic Frameworks Bearing Heteroatoms with Enhanced
Isosteric Enthalpies of Gas Adsorption"
G. Xing, T. Yan, S. Das, L. Ye, K. Ye
RSC Adv., 8, 20434-20439 (2018.)
4)"Porous Organic Frameworks-derived Porous Carbons with Outstanding
Gas Adsorption Performance"
T. Yan, G. Xing, S. Das, T. Ben, S. Qiu
Chem. Res. Chin. Univ., 34, 338-343 (2018).
3)"Porous Organic Materials: Strategic Design and Structure-Function
S. Das, P. Heasman, T. Ben, S. Qiu
Chem. Rev., 117, 1515-1563 (2017).
Selected as "Front Cover"
2)"Fabrication of COF-MOF Composite Membranes and Their Highly Selective
Separation of H2/CO2"
J. Fu, S. Das, G. Xing, T. Ben, V. Valtchev, S. Qiu,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138, 7673-7680 (2016).
1)"Standout Electrochemical Performance of SnO2 and Sn/SnO2 Nanoparticles
Embedded in a KOH Activated Carbonized Porous Aromatic Framework (PAF-1)
Matrix as the Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries"
Y. Dong, S. Das, L. Zhu, T. Ben, S. Qiu
J. Mater. Chem. A, 4, 18822-18831 (2016).
Saikat Das 【Junior Associate Professor】