"Inclusion of Gold Ion in Tiara-Like Nickel Hexanuclear Nanoclusters"
K. Takemae, S. Tomihari, T. Naito, M. Takagi, T. Shimazaki, T. Kawawaki,*
M. Tachikawa,* Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale in press.
Selected as "Outside Front Cover"
Invited Article to "themed collection: Nanoscale 2025 Emerging Investigators"
"Tunable Structural Rearrangement in Cu Cluster Assemblies through
Linker and Solvent Alterations"
S. Das, J. Sakai, R. Nakatani, A. Kondo, R. Tomioka, T. Kawawaki, S. Biswas,*
Y. Negishi*
Chem. Sci. in press. (ChemRvix)
Selected as "Inside Back Cover"
"The Importance and Discovery of Highly Connected Cova-lent Organic
Framework Net Topologies"
T. Irie, S. Das,* Q. Fang,* Y. Negishi*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 147, 1367-1380 (2025).
Invited Perspective (Invited by Prof. Erick M. Carreira, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Chemical Society)
"Introduction to Metal Nanoclusters"
S. Mandal, D. Sun, Y. Negishi, A. Das
Nanoscale 17, 16-17 (2025).
Editorial of "Themad collection: Metal nanoclusters"
"Ligand-Dependent Intracluster Interactions in Electrochemical CO2
Reduction Using Cu14 Nanoclusters"
Y. Shingyouchi, M. Ogami, S. Biswas, T. Tanaka, M. Kamiyama, K. Ikeda,
S. Hossain, Y. Yoshigoe, D. J. Osborn, G. F. Metha, T. Kawawaki,* Y. Negishi*
Small in press.
Selected as "Inside Back Cover"
Selected as "Hot Topic: Carbon Dioxide"
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkei Shinbun"
"Designed Construction of Two New Atom-precise Three-dimensional and
Two-dimensional Ag12 Cluster-assembled Materials"
R. Nakatani, J. Sakai, A. Saha, A. Kondo, R. Tomioka, T. Kawawaki, S.
Das,* Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale 17, 813-822 (2025).
Invited Article to "Themad collection: Metal nanoclusters"
Selected as "Outside Back Cover"
"Highly Selective Methanol Synthesis Using Electrochemical CO2 Reduction
with Defect-Engineered Cu58 Nanoclusters"
S. Biswas, T. Tanaka, H. Song, M. Ogami, Y. Shingyouchi, S. Hossain, M. Kamiyama, T. Kosaka, R. Nakatani, Y. Niihori, S. Das, T. Kawawaki,* D.-e. Jiang,* Y. Negishi*
Small Sci. 5, 2400465 (2025). (ChemRvix)
Selected as"Frontispiece"
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkei Shinbun"and "Nikkan Kogyou Shinbun
"Atomically Precise Au24Pt(thiolate)12(dithiolate)3 Nanoclusters with
Excellent Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reactivity"
M. Sera, S. Hossain,* S. Yoshikawa, K. Takemae, A. Ikeda, T. Tanaka, T.
Kosaka, Y. Niihori, T. Kawawaki, Y. Negishi*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 29684-29693 (2024). (ChemRvix)
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkei Shinbun"and "Nikkan Kogyou Shinbun"
"Silver Cluster-assembled Material as Matrix for Enzyme Immobilization
Towards Highly Efficient Biocatalyst"
J. Sakai, K. Sasaki, R. Nakatani, S. Das, Y. Negishi
Nanoscale. 16, 21767-21775 (2024).
Invited Article to "themed collection: Nanocatalysis"
Selected as "Outside Front Cover"
"Ultrafine Rhodium–Chromium Mixed-Oxide Cocatalyst with Facet-Selective
Loading for Excellent Photocatalytic Water Splitting"
D. Hirayama, T. Kawawaki,* S. Oguchi, M. Ogano, N. Kon, T. Yasuda, A.
Higami, Y. Negishi*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 26808-26818 (2024).
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkei Shinbun" and "Nikkan Kogyou Shinbun"
"Metal-Organic Frameworks as Promising Electrocatalysts for Nitrogen
Reduction Reaction: Mapping the Research Landscape and Identifying Future
R. Nakatani, S. Das,* Y. Negishi*
J. Mater. Chem. A 12, 26350-26366 (2024).
Highlighted in "Themed collection: Journal of Materials Chemistry A Recent Review Articles"
Selected as "Back Cover"
"Luminescent Hydride-Free [Cu7(SC5H9)7(PPh3)3] Nanocluster: Facilitating
Highly Selective C-C Bond Formation"
S. Biswas, A. Pal, M. K. Jena, S. Hossain, J. Sakai, S. Das, B. Sahoo,* B. Pathak,* Y. Negishi*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 20937-20944 (2024)
Highlighted in "ChemistryViews".
"Highly Selective Separation of Benzene/Cyclohexane by Three-Dimensional
Covalent Organic Framework with 8,8-Connected bcu Net Topology"
Y. Zhao, T. Irie, D. Wen, H. Mabuchi, K. Sasaki, M. Nozaki, R. Tomioka,
W. Zhu, S. Das,* T. Ben,* Y. Negishi*
ACS Mater. Lett. 6, 3063-3070 (2024). (ChemRxiv.)
"Structure and Application Portfolio of Intricately Architected Silver
Cluster-Assembled Materials"
R. Nakatani, S. Das,* Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale 16, 9642-9658 (2024).
Invited "Review" (Invited by Edward Gardner, Development Editor)
Selected as "Outside Back Cover"
Highlighted in "Themed collection: Recent Review Articles"
"Triplet-Triplet Annihilation-Based Photon Upconversion Using Nanoparticles
and Nanoclusters"
Y. Niihori,* T, Kosaka, Y. Negishi*
Mater. Horiz. 11, 2304-2322 (2024)
Selected as "Inside Front Cover"
Highligted in "Themed Collection: Recent Review Articles"
"Tiara-Like Hexanuclear Nickel-Platinum Alloy Nanocluster"
T. Okada, T. Kawawaki,* K. Takemae, S. Tomihari, T. Kosaka, Y. Niihori,
Y. Negishi*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15, 1539–1545 (2024).
Selected as "Supplementary Cover"
"Three-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework with “the” Topology"
S. Das, H. Mabuchi, T. Irie, K. Sasaki, M. Nozaki, R. Tomioka, D. Wen,
Y. Zhao,* T. Ben,* Y. Negishi*
Small 20, 2307666 (2024). (ChemRxiv.)
Selected as "Back Cover"
"A Comprehensive Analysis of Luminescent Crystalized Cu Nanoclusters"
S. Biswas, Y. Negishi*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15, 947-958 (2024)
Invited Perspective (Invited by Prof. Gregory Scholes, Editor-in-Chief)
Selected as "Supplementary Cover"
"Unlocking the Potential of Atom-Precise Ag12 Cluster Assembled Material
as Highly Efficient SERS Sensor for Detection of Hg2+ Ion"
R. Nakatani, S. Biswas, T. Irie, Y. Niihori, S. Das,* Y. Negishi*
ACS Mater. Lett. 6, 438-445 (2024).
Selected as "Supplementary Cover"
"Atomically Precise Metal Nanoclusters as Catalysts for Electrocatalytic
CO2 Reduction"
T. Kawawaki,* T. Okada, D. Hirayama, Y. Negishi*
Green Chem. 26, 122-163 (2024).
Invited Review to "Advances in Electrosynthesis for a Greener Chemical Industry"
Selected as "Outside Back Cover"
"Metal Nanoclusters as a Superior Polysulfides Immobilizer Towards
Highly Stable Lithium-Sulfur Batteries"
K. Sun, Y. Fu, T. Sekine, H. Mabuchi, S. Hossain, Z. Qiang, D. Liu,* S.
Das,* D. He,* Y. Negishi*
Small 20, 2304210 (2024).
Selected as "Outside Back Cover"
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkei Shinbun", "Nikkankogtyo Shinbun" and "Yahoo! News"
"Clarifying the Electronic Structure of Anion-templated Silver Nanoclusters
by Optical Absorption Spectroscopy and Theoretical Calculation"
Y. Horita, S. Hossain,* M. Ishimi, P. Zhao, M. Sera, T. Kawawaki, S. Takano, Y. Niihori, T. Nakamura, T. Tsukuda, M. Ehara,* Y. Negishi*
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 145, 23533-23540 (2023).
"Advances in Cu Nanocluster Catalyst Design: Recent Progress and Promising
S. Biswas, S. Das,* Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale Horiz. 8, 1509-1522 (2023).
Selected as "Inside Front Cover"
Selected as "Nanoscale Horizons Most Popular 2023 Articles"
Selected as "Nanoscale Horizons HOT Papers"
Selected as "Themed collection Nanoscale Horizons Highly Cited Articles"
"A New Two-dimensional Luminescent Ag12 Cluster-assembled Material
and It's Catalytic Activity for Reduction of Hexacyanoferrate (III) "
R. Nakatani, S. Biswas, T. Irie, J. Sakai, D. Hirayama, T. Kawawaki, Y.
Niihori, S. Das,* Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale 15, 16299-16306 (2023)..
Selected as "Outside Back Cover"
"Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Two Silver Cluster-Assembled
Materials for Selective Fe3+ Sensing"
J. Sakai, S. Biswas, T. Irie, H. Mabuchi, T. Sekine, Y. Niihori, S. Das,*
Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale 15, 12227-12234 (2023).
Selected as "Outside Front Cover"
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkei Shinbun" and "Yomiuri Shinbun"
"Progress and Prospects in the Design of Functional Atomically-precise
Ag(I)-thiolate Nanoclusters and Their Assembly Approaches"
S. Biswas, S. Das, Y. Negishi*
Coord. Chem. Rev. 492, 215255 (2023).
"Metal Single-Atom Cocatalyst on Carbon Nitride for the Photocatalytic
Hydrogen Evolution Reaction: Effects of Metal Species"
Y. Akinaga, T. Kawawaki,* H. Kameko, Y. Yamazaki, K. Yamazaki, Y. Nakayasu,
K. Kato, Y. Tanaka, A. T. Hanindriyo, M. Takagi, T. Shimazaki, M. Tachikawa,
A. Yamakata, Y. Negishi*
Adv. Funct. Mater. 33, 2303321 (2023)
Selected as "Back Cover"
Selected as "Hot Topic: Carbon, Graphite, and Graphene"
Selected as "Hot Topic: Photocatalysis"
Selected as "Hot Topic: Water Splitting"
"Carbon Nitride Loaded with an Ultrafine, Monodisperse, Metallic Platinum-Cluster
Cocatalyst for the Photocatalytic Hydrogen-Evolution Reaction"
D. Yazaki, T. Kawawaki,* D. Hirayama, M. Kawachi, K. Kato, S. Oguchi,
Y. Yamaguchi, S. Kikkawa, Y. Ueki, S. Hossain, D. J. Osborn, F. Ozaki,
S. Tanaka, J. Yoshinobu, G. F. Metha, S. Yamazoe, A. Kudo, A. Yamakata,
Y. Negishi*
Small, 19, 2208287 (2023).
Selected as "Front Cover"
Selected as "Hot Topic: Photocatalysts"
"Pt17 Nanocluster Electrocatalysts: Preparation and Origin of High
Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity"
T. Kawawaki, Y. Mitomi, N. Nishi, R. Kurosaki, K. Oiwa, T. Tanaka, H.
Hirase, S. Miyajima, Y. Niihori, D. J. Osborn, T. Koitaya, G. F Metha,
T. Yokoyama, K. Iida,* Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale,15, 7272 (2023).
Selected as "Outiside Front Cover"
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in several medias (1/2/3)
Selected as "Nanoscale Most Popular 2023 Articles"
"Vertex-Shared Linear Superatomic Molecules: Stepping Stones to Novel
Materials Composed of Noble Metal Clusters"
Y. Niihori, S. Miyajima, A. Ikeda, T. Kosaka, Y. Negishi*
Small Sci. 3, 2370009 (2023).
Invited Review (Invited by Editor, Dr. Sneha Rhode)
Selected as "Outiside Front Cover"
"Key Factors for Connecting Silver-based Icosahedral Superatoms by
Vertex Sharing"
S. Miyajima, S. Hossain,* A. Ikeda, T. Kosaka, T. Kawawaki, Y. Niihori,
T. Iwasa,* T. Taketsugu, Y. Negishi*
Commun. Chem. 6, 57, (2023). (Research Square)
Invited Article to "Special Issue"
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun"
"Improved Activity for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction using a Tiara-like
Thiolate-protected Nickel Nanocluster"
S. Funaki, T. Kawawaki,* T. Okada, K. Takemae, S. Hossain, Y. Niihori, T. Naitoh, M. Takagi, T. Shimazaki, S. Kikkawa, S. Yamazoe, Tachikawa, Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale, 15, 5201-5208 (2023).
Selected as "Outiside Back Cover"
"Record Ultralarge-Pores, Low Density Three-Dimensional Covalent Organic
Framework for Controlled Drug Delivery"
Y. Zhao, S. Das,* T. Sekine, H. Mabuchi, T. Irie, J. Sakai, D. Wen, W.
Zhu, T. Ben,* Y. Negishi*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 62, e202300172 (2023). (ChemRxiv)
Selected as "Hot Topic: Drug Delivery"
Selected as "Hot Topic: Mesoporous Materials"
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkei Tech Foresign"
"Atomically Precise Thiolate-Protected Gold Nanoclusters: Current
Status of Designability of the Structure and Physicochemical Properties"
S. Hossain, D. Hirayama, A. Ikeda, M. Ishimi, S. Funaki, A. Samanta, T.
Kawawaki, Y. Negishi*
Aggregate, 4, e255 (2023).
Invited Review (Invited by Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Ben Zhong Tang)
Selected as "Inside Front Cover"
"Three-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks with scu-c Topology
for Drug Delivery"
S. Das, T. Sekine, H. Mabuchi, T. Irie, J. Sakai, Y. Zhao, Q. Fang,* Y. Negishi*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 14, 48045-48051 (2022). (ChemRxiv)
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "JST Science Portal" and others (1/2/3/4/5/6)
"Selective Formation of [Au23(SPhtBu)17]0, [Au26Pd(SPhtBu)20]0 and
[Au24Pt(SC2H4Ph)7(SPhtBu)11]0 by Controlling Ligand-exchange Reaction"
Y. Negishi,* H. Horihata, A. Ebina, S. Miyajima, M. Nakamoto, A. Ikeda,
T. Kawawaki, S. Hossain
Chem. Sci., 13, 5546-5556 (2022).
Selected as "Back Cover"
"Ion-Selective Covalent Organic Framework Membrane as a Catalytic
Polysulfide Trap to Arrest Redox Shuttle Effect in Lithium–Sulfur Batteries"
K. Sun, C. Wang, Y. Dong,* P. Guo, P. Cheng, Y. Fu, D. Liu, D. He,* S.
Das,* Y Negishi*
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 14, 4079-4090 (2022).
"Creation of High-Performance Heterogeneous Photocatalysts by Controlling
Ligand Desorption and Particle Size of Gold Nanocluster"
T. Kawawaki, Y. Kataoka, M. Hirata, Y. Akinaga, R. Takahata, K. Wakamatsu,
Y. Fujiki, M. Kataoka, S. Kikkawa, A. S. Alotabi, S. Hossain, D. J. Osborn,
T. Teranishi, G. G. Andersson, G. F. Metha, S. Yamazoe, Y. Negishi*
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 60, 21340-21350 (2021).
Selected as "Inside Cover"
Selected as "Hot Topic: Photocatalysts"
Selected as "Hot Topic: Water Splitting"
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Highlighted in "Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun"
"Simple and High-Yield Preparation of Carbon-Black-Supported ~1-nm
Platinum Nanoclusters and Their Oxygen Reduction Reactivity"
T. Kawawaki, N. Shimizu, K. Funai, Y. Mitomi, S. Hossain, S. Kikkawa,
D. J. Osborn, S. Yamazoe, G. F. Metha, Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale 13, 14679-14687 (2021).
Selected as "Back Cover"
Selected as "Nanoscale 2022 Lunar New Year Collection"
Highlighted in "Nanoscale & Nanoscale Advances Blog", "Nanoscale Twitter", and "Nanoscale Facebook"
"Thiolate-Protected Metal Nanoclusters: Recent Development in Synthesis,
Understanding of Reaction, and Application in Energy and Environmental
T. Kawawaki, A. Ebina, Y. Hosokawa, S. Ozaki, D. Suzuki, S. Hossain, Y.
Small 17, 202005328 (2021).
Invited Review to "Special Issue"
Selected as"Frontispiece"
Selected as "Hot Topic: Water Splitting"
"Toward the Creation of High-performance Heterogeneous Catalysts by
Controlled Ligand Desorption from Atomically Precise Metal Nanoclusters"
T. Kawawaki, Y. Kataoka, M. Hirata, Y. Iwamatsu, S. Hossain, Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale Horiz. 6, 409-448 (2021).
Invited "Review"
Selected as "Outside Front Cover"
Selected as "Nanoscale 2022 Lunar New Year Collection"
Selected as "Nanoscale Most Popular 2021 Articles"
Selected as "Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale, and ChemComm: Nanocatalysis"
Top 10% of highly cited articles from the Royal Society of Chemistry
"Controlled Colloidal Metal Nanoparticles and Nanoclusters: Recent
Applications as Cocatalysts for Improving Photocatalytic Water-splitting
T. Kawawaki, Y. Mori, K. Wakamatsu, S. Ozaki, M. Kawachi, S. Hossain, Y.
J. Mater. Chem. A, 8, 16081-16113 (2020)..
Invited "Review"
Top 5% of highly cited works from Japanese institutions
"Gold Nanoclusters as Electrocatalysts: Size, Ligands, Heteroatom
doping, and Charge Dependences"
B. Kumar, T. Kawawaki, N. Shimizu, Y. Imai, D. Suzuki, S. Hossain, L.
V. Nair, Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale, 12, 9969-9979 (2020).
Selected as "Outside Front Cover"
Selected as "Nanoscale Most Popular Articles"
Selected as "Nanoscale Lunar New Year Collection 2021"
Top 5% of highly cited works from Japanese institutions
"Activation of Water-Splitting Photocatalysts by Loading with Ultrafine
Rh-Cr Mixed-Oxide Cocatalyst Nanoparticles"
W. Kurashige, Y. Mori, S. Ozaki, M. Kawachi, S. Hossain, T. Kawawaki,
C. J. Shearer, A. Iwase, G. F. Metha, S. Yamazoe, A. Kudo, Y. Negishi*
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 59, 7076-7082 (2020).
Selected as "Hot Paper"
"Atomic-level Separation of Thiolate-protected Metal Clusters"
Y. Negishi,* S. Hashimoto, A. Ebina, K. Hamada, S. Hossain, T. Kawawaki
Nanoscale, 12, 8017-8039 (2020).
Invited "Review"
Selected as "Inside Front Cover"
"Understanding and Designing One-Dimensional Assemblies of Ligand-Protected
Metal Nanoclusters"
S. Hossain, Y. Imai, Y. Motohashi, Z. Chen, D. Suzuki, T. Suzuki, Y. Kataoka, M. Hirata, T. Ono, W. Kurashige, T. Kawawaki, T. Yamamoto, Y. Negishi*
Mater. Horiz., 7, 796-803, (2020).
Invited "Communication"
Selected as "Inside Front Cover"
Press release in "English version" and "Japanese version"
Several examples of pick up of this work (1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9)
"Elucidating Ligand Effects in Thiolate-Protected Metal Clusters Using
Au24Pt(TBBT)18 as A Model Cluster"
S. Hossain, Y. Imai, D. Suzuki, W. Choi, Z. Chen, T. Suzuki, M. Yoshioka,
T. Kawawaki, D. Lee,* Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale, 11, 22089-22098 (2019).
"Alloy Clusters: Precise Synthesis and Mixing Effects"
S. Hossain, Y. Niihori, L. V. Nair, B. Kumar, W. Kurashige, Y. Negishi*
Acc. Chem. Res., 51, 3114-3124 (2018).
Invited Article to Special Issue"Toward Atomic Precision in Nanoscience"
Selected as "Supplementary Cover"
"Hetero-Biicosahedral [Au24Pd(PPh3)10(SC2H4Ph)5Cl2]+ Nanocluster:
Selective Synthesis and Optical and Electrochemical Properties"
L. V. Nair, S. Hossain, S. Takagi, Y. Imai, G. Hu, S. Wakayama, B. Kumar,
W. Kurashigea, D.-e. Jiang,* Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale, 10, 18969-18979 (2018).
Selected as "Back Cover"
Selected as "2018 Nanoscale Hot Article Collections"
"Atomic and Isomeric Separation of Thiolate-Protected Alloy Clusters"
Y. Niihori, Y. Koyama, S. Watanabe, S. Hashimoto, S. Hossain, L. V. Nair,
B. Kumar, W. Kurashige, Y. Negishi*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 4930-4934 (2018).
Selected as "Supplementary Cover"
"Thiolate-Protected Trimetallic Au~20Ag~4Pd and Au~20Ag~4Pt Alloy
Clusters with Controlled Chemical Composition and Metal Positions"
S. Hossain, T. Ono, M. Yoshioka, G. Hu, M. Hosoi, Z. Chen, L. V. Nair,
Y. Niihori, W. Kurashige, D.-e. Jiang,* Y. Negishi*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 9, 2590-2594 (2018).
"High-performance Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry of Gold
and Alloy Clusters Protected by Hydrophilic Thiolates"
Y. Niihori, D. Shima, K. Yoshida, K. Hamada, L. V. Nair, S. Hossain, W.
Kurashige, Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale, 10, 1641-1649 (2018).
Selected as "Back Cover"
"Precise Synthesis, Functionalization and Application of Thiolate-Protected
Gold Clusters"
W. Kurashige, Y. Niihori, S. Sharma, Y. Negishi*
Coord. Chem. Rev., 320-321, 238-250 (2016).
Invited "Review" to "Special Issue"
"Understanding Ligand-Exchange Reactions on Thiolate-Protected Gold
Cluster by Probing Isomer Distributions Using Reversed-Phase High-Performance
Liquid Chromatography"
Y. Niihori, Y. Kikuchi, A. Kato, M. Matsuzaki, Y. Negishi*
ACS Nano, 9, 9347-9356 (2015).
Highlighted in "IN NANO" (HP・PDF)
"A Critical Size for Emergence of Nonbulk Electronic and Geometric
Structures in Dodecanethiolate-Protected Au Clusters"
Y. Negishi,* T. Nakazaki, S. Malola, S. Takano, Y. Niihori, W. Kurashige,
S. Yamazoe, T. Tsukuda,* H. Häkkinen*
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137, 1206-1212 (2015).
Highlighted in "Nature Nanotechnology" (HP・PDF・in Japanease)
Highly Cited Paper
"Effect of Trimetallization in Thiolate-Protected Au24−nCunPd Clusters"
S. Sharma, W. Kurashige, K. Nobusada, Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale, 7, 10606-10612 (2015).
Selected as "Back Cover"
"Advanced Use of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography for Synthesis
of Controlled Metal Clustres"
Y. Niihori, M. Matsuzaki, C. Uchida, Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale, 6, 7889-7896 (2014).
Selected as "Back Cover"
"Recent Progress in the Functionalization Methods of Thiolate-Protected
Gold Clusters"
W. Kurashige, Y. Niihori, S. Sharma, Y. Negishi*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5, 4134-4142 (2014).
Invited "Perspective"
Selected as "Outside Front Cover"
Highlighted in "Editorial"
"Au25 Clusters Containing Unoxidized Tellurolates in the Ligand Shell"
W. Kurashige, S. Yamazoe, M. Yamaguchi, K. Nishido, K. Nobusada, T. Tsukuda,
Y. Negishi*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5, 2072-2076 (2014).
"A Novel Concept for the Synthesis of Multiply Doped Gold Clusters
A. Puls, P. Jerabek, W. Kurashige, M. Förster, M. Molon, T. Bollermann, M. Winter, C. Gemel, Y. Negishi, G. Frenking,* R. A. Fischer*
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed., 53, 4327-4331 (2014).
"Separation of Precise Compositions of Noble Metal Clusters Protected
with Mixed Ligands"
Y. Niihori, M. Matsuzaki, T. Pradeep,* Y. Negishi*
J. Am. Chem. Soc,, 135, 4946-4949 (2013).
"Enhanced Photocatalytic Water Splitting by BaLa4Ti4O15 Loaded with
~1nm Gold Nanoclusters using Glutathione-Protected Au25 Clusters"
Y. Negishi,* M. Mizuno, M. Hirayama, M. Omatoi, T. Takayama, A. Iwase, A. Kudo*
Nanoscale,, 5, 7188-7192 (2013).
Selected as "Back Cover"
"Remarkable Enhancement in Ligand-Exchange Reactivity of Thiolate-Protected
Au25 Nanocluster by Single Pd Atom Doping"
Y. Niihori, W. Kurashige, M. Matsuzaki, Y. Negishi*
Nanoscale, 5, 508-512 (2013).
Selected as "Back Cover"
"Formation of a Pd@Au12 Superatomic Core in Au24Pd1(SC12H25)18 Probed
by 197Au Mössbauer and Pd K-edge EXAFS Spectroscopy"
Y. Negishi, W. Kurashige, Y. Kobayashi, S. Yamazoe, N. Kojima, M. Seto,
T. Tsukuda*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4, 3579-3583 (2013).
"Ag44(SeR)30: A Hollow Cage Silver Cluster with Selenolate Protection"
I. Chakraborty, W. Kurashige, K. Kanehira, L. Gell, H. Hakkinen, Y. Negishi,*
T. Pradeep*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4, 3531-3355 (2013).
"Selenolate-Protected Au38 Nanoclusters: Isolation and Structural
W. Kurashige, S. Yamazoe, K. Kanehira, T. Tsukuda, Y. Negishi*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4, 3181-3185 (2013).
"Photoresponsive Au25 Nanocluster Protected by Azobenzene Derivative
Y. Negishi,* U. Kamimura, M. Ide, M. Hirayama
Nanoscale, 4, 4263-4268 (2012).
Invited Article to "Special Issue"
Selected as "Back Cover"
"Ligand-Induced Stability of Gold Nanoclusters: Thiolate versus Selenolate"
W. Kurashige, M. Yamaguchi, K. Nobusada, Y. Negishi*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 3, 2649-2652 (2012).
"Effect of Copper Doping on Electronic Structure, Geometric Structure,
and Stability of Thiolate-Protected Au25 Nanoclusters"
Y. Negishi,* K. Munakata, W. Ohgake, K. Nobusada*
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3, 2209-2214 (2012).
"Synthesis and the Origin of the Stability of Thiolate-Protected Au130
and Au187 Clusters"
Y. Negishi,* C. Sakamoto, T. Ohyama, T. Tsukuda
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"Ubiquitous 8 and 29 kDa Gold:Alkanethiolate Cluster Compounds: Mass
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"Origin of Magic Stability of Thiolated Gold Clusters: A Case Study
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Y. Negishi, N. K. Chaki, Y. Shichibu, R. L. Whetten, T. Tsukuda*
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"Thiolate-Induced Structural Reconstruction of Gold Clusters Probed
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"Extremely High Stability of Glutathionate-Protected Au25 Clusters
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Y. Shichibu, Y. Negishi, H. Tsunoyama, M. Kanehara, T. Teranishi, T. Tsukuda*
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"X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism of Size-Selected, Thiolated Gold
Y. Negishi, H. Tsunoyama, M. Suzuki, N. Kawamura, M. M. Matsushita, K.
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"Chromatographic Isolation of “Missing” Au55 Clusters Protected by
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"Large-Scale Synthesis of Thiolated Au25 Clusters via Ligand Exchange
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Y. Shichibu, Y. Negishi, T. Tsukuda,* T. Teranishi*
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"Glutathione-Protected Gold Clusters Revisited: Bridging the Gap between
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Y. Negishi, K. Nobusada, T. Tsukuda*
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"Size-Specific Catalytic Activity of Polymer-Stabilized Gold Nanoclusters
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H. Tsunoyama, H. Sakurai, Y. Negishi, T. Tsukuda
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"Magic-Numbered Aun Clusters Protected by Glutathione Monolayers (n
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Y. Negishi, Y. Takasugi, S. Sato, H. Yao, K. Kimura, T. Tsukuda*
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"One-Pot Preparation of Subnanometer-Sized Gold Clusters via Reduction
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Y. Negishi T. Tsukuda*
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